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Sustainability and the environment

We are not perfect, but we do everything we reasonably can to reduce our negative impact on the planet. The following are some of the things we are doing.

De-commissioned our very inefficient gas boiler and replaced with infra-red panels and heated jackets. We are directly heating our factory operatives rather than trying to heat the entire factory.

Our electricity supplier is 100% renewable.

Replaced all our lighting with energy saving LED equivalents.

Introduced predominantly working from home for all office staff to reduce CO2 emissions from travelling to and from work and heating the office.

Replaced nearly all our steel sections with aluminium that is made from recycled material and itself more easily recyclable.

Minimise wastage and scrap with by using software that tells us the optimum length of material to use for each grille. We recycle what little scrap metal we do produce.

All our suppliers are British based, and the vast majority are within a 50-mile radius of our factory, thus minimising delivery miles. We have always had a deliberate policy of using local suppliers, even when cheaper overseas alternatives are available. We try to ensure, as much as we can, that our suppliers also minimise their impact on the environment.

Use recyclable packaging that is itself made from 30% recycled plastic.

Eliminated paperwork both internally and to our customers by use of emails and electronic invoicing and payment.

We deliver to our customers using our own vehicles whenever it makes economic and environmental sense, especially when we are already working in that location. Our company vans are not yet electric because of the current range limitations of medium size vans. We are constantly reviewing this and will change to 100% electric whenever practicable.